OBSIDIAN - Microbiology, Soil science, Food quality and Agricultural genetics

Guest speaker from Dublin – Dr Eric Carvalho Pereira


On November 23, 2023, as part of the Emerging Field research group "OBSIDIAN - Microbiology, Soil Science, Food Quality and Aricultural Genetics" was held seminar. It was titled "Microbial Symphony: A hidden interplay in the soil" and the Guest Lecturer was Dr Eric Carvalho Pereira, post-doctoral fellow  at UCD Agriculture and Food Science Centre, University College Dublin (Ireland). He has developed scientific research work particulary on field of Microbial Ecology and Plant-Fungal interactions. As a recipent of Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD fellowship (2016-2019) he conducted research on the fungal endophytes in grasses and its functionality in mitigating plant salinity stress, whose results were published in journals with high scientific impact. He received his PhD in Agrobiotechnology from the University of Salamanca (2020).

Klaudia Werner

OBSIDIAN - Microbiology, Soil science, Food quality and Agricultural genetics