5th Edition of International Conference OBSIDIAN
23th -24th June 2025
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 5th Edition of International Conference OBSIDIAN - "Plant Productivity and Food Safety: Microbiology, Soil Science, Food Quality and Agricultural Genetics", which will take place on June 23–24, 2025, at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
The main objective of the OBSIDIAN Scientific Conference is to initiate and promote interdisciplinary scientific cooperation. It has become a tradition of the conference to share the latest scientific achievements in fields such as microbiology, soil science, food quality and agricultural genetics by the most prominent scientists and specialists from around the world. During the OBSIDIAN conference, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities in increasing plant productivity while ensuring food safety under dynamic environmental and technological changes. The leading topic at this year's OBSIDIAN conference will be salinity and its impact on the environment, humans, plants and animals.
The annual meeting of SUSTAIN COST Action 22144 members will be held on June 24, 2025, providing an opportunity for COST Action participants and OBSIDIAN conference attendees to exchange knowledge and experience in this international project.
Two thematic workshops will be held on June 23-26, 2025, offering hands-on experience on the topics discussed at the conference:
25.06.2025 - OBSIDIAN Field-workshop “Plant-soil relationships in saline areas”
(registration available through OBSIDIAN Conference 2025 registration form)
23-27.06.2025: OBSIDIAN Laboratory-workshop “Plant-microbial interactions in saline areas”.
We are pleased to invite BSc and MSc students to the workshop "Plant-Microbial Interactions in Saline Areas", which will take place from June 23 to June 27, 2025, in Toruń, Poland. The workshop will provide an opportunity to explore research techniques for studying endophytic microorganisms colonizing halophytic plants. The program includes a field trip for sample collection and plant sampling from naturally saline habitats, preparation of plant material for laboratory analyses, isolation of endophytes from various plant organs, and characterization of these endophytes in terms of their plant growth-promoting properties in saline environments.
(separate registration via registration form)
We are honoured to host distinguished speakers, recognized authorities in their fields, who will share their unique insights and research findings with you.
Keynote Lecturer
- Prof. David B. Collinge, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN), Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Presentation Title: "Fungal endophytes for plant disease control"
Conference Speakers
Session I. Plant-Microorganisms Interactions in Agriculture and Ecosystem Management
- Ian Dodd, Professor, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Session II. Plant Metabolism and Signalling
- Yonghua Li-Beisson, Research Director at the CEA Cadarache, Paris, France
Session III. Soil Threats and Security
- Åsgeir R. Almås, Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
Session IV. The Global Problem of Salinity - An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Kate Negacz, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Environmental Policy Analysis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
COST Action Meeting Speakers
Work Group 1. Soil and water salinity: physical and biochemical characteristics at different scales
- Michail Orfanoudakis, Department of Forestry and Environmental Management and Natural Resources, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Work Group 2. Plant responses to salinity at the shoot and the root level
- Ian Dodd, Professor, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Work Group 3. Total value of saline ecosystems and landscapes
- Zenepe Dafku, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Work Group 4. & 5. Knowledge sharing and stakeholders’ engagement & Policy framework for the salinisation management
Henrik Per Aronsson, Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV), Viseu, Portugal
We warmly invite you to attend lectures, workshops, and poster sessions, which will provide a space for discussion and inspiration for further research and innovation. We look forward to welcoming you to the picturesque city of Toruń - a place rich in history and scientific tradition!
Registration is open to 6th of June. For registration please fill Registration form
Form of participation:
- Short 15 minute oral presentation (12 min. for presentation and 3 min. for questions)
- Poster (as PDF in A4 format, vertical) Please send posters to the following e-mail address: conferenceobsidian@gmail.com By submitting a poster, you agree to its publication in the book of posters, which will be made available to all conference participants. The book of posters will be printed and included in the conference participants' packages.
- Without presentation
The information about the form of presentation will be send on 2nd of June by Organizing Committee.
Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences and
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management Nicolaus Copernicus University,
Lwowska 1 Street, Toruń, The R. Galon Auditorium, Room 104 & Darwin Lecture Hall, Room I
The administrator of your personal data will be the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń with its registered office at Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń.
30th May - deadline for registration with abstracts and sending conference fees
2nd June – decision of the scientific commitee about form of the presentation (poster or oral presentation)
6th June - deadline for registration of participants without presentations and posters
9th June - deadline for poster submission (as PDF in A4 format, vertical layout)
Conference Fee
350 zł Researchers
200 zł Doctoral Students / Students
SUSTAIN COST Action 22144 Members
No Registration Fee
Please contact: conferenceobsidian@gmail.com if you have any questions!
See you in June 2025!
Yours Sincerely
On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee,
Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz