OBSIDIAN - Microbiology, Soil science, Food quality and Agricultural genetics

Emerging field

Microbiology, Soil science, Food quality and Agricultural genetics (OBSIDIAN)

Team Leader 

Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Hrynkiewiczhrynk@umk.pl


Subgroup I: Plant-microbial interactions in agriculture and ecosystem management (Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences)

1. Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, hrynk@umk.pl – [leader of a subgroup] (employee - senior)

2. dr hab. Marcin Gołębiewski, Prof. at NCU, mgoleb@umk.pl (employee - senior)

3. dr hab. Agnieszka Kalwasińska, Prof. at NCU, kala@umk.pl (employee - senior)

4. dr Edyta Deja-Sikora, dejasikora@umk.pl (employee - young)

5. dr Bliss Furtado, bliss.furtado@umk.pl (employee - young)

6. dr Sonia Szymańska, soniasz@umk.pl (employee - young)

7. M.Sc. Matteo Marangi; matteomarangi@doktorant.umk.pl (doctoral student)

8. M.Sc. Jagoda Szydło; jszydlo@doktorant.umk.pl (doctoral student)


Subgroup II: Plants for better future – biofuels, food security and food safety (Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences)

8. dr hab. Agnieszka Zienkiewicz, Prof. at NCU, agazet@umk.pl [leader of a subgroup] (employee - senior)

9. Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Dąbrowska, browsk@umk.pl (employee - senior)

10. dr hab. Krzysztof Jaworski, Prof. at NCU, Krzysztof.Jaworski@umk.pl (employee - senior)

11. dr Agnieszka Mierek-Adamska, mierek_adamska@umk.pl (employee - senior)

12. dr Mateusz Kwiatkowski, mkwiat@umk.pl (employee - young),

13. M.Sc. Pattarapong Inchana, inchana@doktorant.umk.pl (doctoral student)


Subgroup III: Current status and future developments in food sciences (Faculty of Chemistry, NCU)

14. Prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Szydłowska-Czerniak, olasz@umk.pl [leader of a subgroup] (employee - senior)

15. dr Eng. Dobrochna Rabiej-Kozioł, d.rabiej@umk.pl (employee – young)

16. dr hab. Aneta Jastrzębska, prof. UMK, aj@chem.umk.pl (employee - senior) (for year 2024) 


Subgroup IV: Agricultural and urban soils – towards to sustainable use and management (Faculty of Earth Science and Spatial Management, NCU)

17. Prof. dr hab. Piotr Hulisz, hulisz@umk.pl [leader of a subgroup] (employee - senior)

18. Dr hab. Przemysław Charzyński, Prof. at NCU, pecha@umk.pl (employee - senior)

19. Dr hab. Marcin Świtoniak, Prof. at NCU, Marcin.Switoniak@umk.pl (employee - senior)

OBSIDIAN - Microbiology, Soil science, Food quality and Agricultural genetics